Saturday, November 17, 2007

I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end

One day late...

In memory, 1stLT D. Ryan Mcglothlin, KIA November 16, 2005.

It's been two years since Ryan's death, and his memory still hangs over me. We have just received our billet list of flight surgeon spots, and it is likely that I will be forward deploying with the Marines... "going greenside," if you will. Although I've shared these with everyone numerous times, this is a repeat of yet another list of things Ryan said to me during our short but colorful friendship:

[To Ryan Carra] "Ryan, you may feel ok now, but in the morning, you're going to feel like you've been eaten by a billy goat and shit off a cliff."

[about a nuclear mechanics exam] "It was harder than a three-legged cat trying to bury a turd in the snow."

[about the lack of a/c in our PChem class] "It's hotter than two rats fucking in a woolsock in here." -OR- "It's hotter than a whore in church."

[about why he brought a handle of crappy whiskey to a college party] "Sometimes there isn't anything that I want to drink, so I bring my own."

[on the romantic horizon at Stanford] "I'm peelin' 'em off like leather pants."

For those of you that don't remember the details, or would like to refresh your memory: go here. Incidentally, the statements about being mentioned in Bush's speech are true.

Finally, if there is anything I learned from Ryan, it is that he went to great lengths to see his friends regularly. Before deploying, he went around the country spending time with his friends everywhere, and no one I spoke to at the funeral had gone long since seeing him. In his memory, I would urge you to call at least one person that you have not spoken to in over a year and catch up. If need be, bring a duffle bag filled with cans of beer and a plate filled with bacon and watch some college football together. Make sure, though... don't forget to get angry about the BCS.

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